Cable Shows
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586) 996-8660
DVD 1: "Relationship Success"
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“Discover Your Power to Succeed!” shares the keys to success in your personal and professional relationships. Sandra Agazzi Chimenti, M.Ed., is the producer, host, and author of The Real Me: Awakening Your True Self. Sandra interviews her guest, Denise Spencer, owner of Metro Family Support Counseling in Sterling Heights, MI. The topics are remove the blocks to your happiness, build your relationships, and use the “Seven Aspects of Spiritual Awakening” from Sandra’s new book to empower your life.
DVD 2: "Learning Styles"
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“Discover Your Power to Succeed!” shares the keys to success in your personal and professional relationships. Sandra Agazzi Chimenti, M.Ed., is the producer, host, and author of The Real Me: Awakening Your True Self. Sandra interviews her guests, Mariaemma Pelullo-Willis, M.S., and Victoria Kindle Hodson, M.A., owners of LearningSuccessTM Institute in Ventura, CA, and authors of Discover Your Child’s Learning Style. The topic is discovering your learning style and the style of others to achieve success.
DVD 3: "I am a G.I.F.T."
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“Discover Your Power to Succeed!” shares the keys to success in your personal and professional relationships. Sandra Agazzi Chimenti, M.Ed., is the producer, host, and author of The Real Me: Awakening Your True Self. Sandra shares her school presentation called “I am a G.I.F.T.” (I am a giving, inspirational friend today.) The topic is discovering the power of our positive (and negative) thoughts, words, and actions.